Monday, February 22, 2010

Postcard Attempt - Variations

Obviously, it's an old black 'n' white giant monster movie. Just pretend this is Tokyo and that those people in the corner are Japanese and are not matching their words to their lips while they scream "Godzzziiiiiillllllaaaaaa!"

I like this tricolor comic book thingy.

Our fighting is so intense, it's warping the space-time continuum! O, the humanity!

Might be a tad too much contrast methinks, but, eh, I still like it. Looks like I am wearing face makeup, though.

Words cannot express how awesome aluminum foil is in making this even better than it 'twas before. Makes it almost into a night scene. I just like it for some reason unknown to even myself.

Cleaning Up A Crime Scene



Excellent! I have now learned how to fix my own crime scene photos. Now, I won't have to... um... persuade those pesky camera people to edit the photos for me before I confiscate the incriminating evidence. Hey, and I save a ton of money on the complimentary cement shoes and the one way trip to the bottom of the lake that I give them as thanks for their help.

Postcard Attempt - Take #2

I did it. I have added a monster that reminds me of something off Godzilla. His name is Antichrist. He is not "The Anti-Christ." It's just his name. I did not give him his name. Someone else did, and it stuck. He's something I made in 3-D Design last semester. He likes long walks on the beach, soft jazz, and either giving people neck hugs or strangling them. I haven't quite figured out which one he's actually trying to do.

Unfortunately, Fate has put us, once the best of friends, into mortal combat. Why? Truth be told, I forgot why we're actually fighting, but still we must fight to the death. Who will win? Creator or Creation? Only God knows.

Oh, and as an excuse for not realizing that my legs look really short in the picture, I'm going to say that my legs look short 'cause I'm actually rising from the underground, so my legs are still under the earth. Now, when I get my legs out of the ground I will have an even greater height advantage over the Antichrist.

...I should add a big "Versus" in between the Antichrist and me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Postcard Attempt

Well... here it is in all of its glory. I rise from the depths to attack the city whose name I've forgotten. Yes, I know. It looks real, but don't be scared. It's not real, and even if it was real. I would never attack a city unless someone really pissed me off. So don't worry or do worry, either way is fine with me.

No text 'cause I still don't exactly know what I'm doing, not that I know which city I'm actually attacking. I shall add an appropriate monster for me to do battle with later.